We first have to make struct and define the structure we want.I just have inserted a character in a node and its next and previous nodes.
So our insert method which would insert a node will be like this.
void Insert(char a)
if(first == NULL)
{ first = new Node();
first->nxt = NULL;
first->prv = NULL;
first->a = a;
last = first;
{ last->nxt = new Node();
last->nxt->a = a;
last->nxt->prv = last;
last = last->nxt;
last->prv->nxt = last;
last->nxt = NULL;
And the delete method would be like this.
void Delete(char b)
Node * temp = first;
int i = 1;
while(temp!= NULL)
{ if(temp->a == b)
{ temp->prv->nxt = temp->nxt;
temp->nxt->prv = temp->prv;
temp = temp->nxt;
And another method would be which would show All the nodes.
void ShowAll()
Node * temp = first;
int i = 1;
while(temp!= NULL)
printf("\nAt poistion %d we have %c ",i,temp->a);
temp = temp->nxt;
cout << "\nEnd Of List"<< endl;
Here is the link from where you can download the CPP file of this code.Download
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